Partial Payment not work

9 years 6 days ago #28399 by weberalia
Hello, partial payment not work in my shop:

Could you test it?


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9 years 6 days ago #28402 by nordmograph

There are no purchase associated to your profile.
You must use your purchase account to ask for support.

- Need help? Post the URL of the related page (eventualy as confidential info), it will help solve your issue faster.
- An error, notice or warning? report the exact message including the line number
- If you get a white page , enable error reporting and / or check your server error logs.

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9 years 6 days ago #28411 by Gusano300
Replied by Gusano300 on topic Partial Payment not work
Hello, i´am Weberalia. This is the correct account.


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9 years 5 days ago #28412 by weberalia
Replied by weberalia on topic Partial Payment not work
Hello, "Gusano300" is the account what i bought the plugin.


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9 years 5 days ago #28413 by nordmograph
Hello Gusano,

Can you describe what's not working ?
Desicribe a payment workflow and wh'ats going wrong
Make sure you have enabled coupon code in Virtuemart.

- Need help? Post the URL of the related page (eventualy as confidential info), it will help solve your issue faster.
- An error, notice or warning? report the exact message including the line number
- If you get a white page , enable error reporting and / or check your server error logs.

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