VM2Geolocator setup
This VMcustom plugin for Virtuemart component is very simple to install and use:
1. Install as a Joomla plugin then enable the plugin
Visit your Joomla installer page,at www.yoursite.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer
Focus on the Upload Package File form, browse your computer, select the archive and click INSTALL. The plugin will now be listed in the plugin manager. You can filter the list by 'vmcsutom' folder to find the plugin quickly. All you have to do here is to enable the plugin. You'll find its settings in the Virtuemart component backend.
2. Go to Virtuemart component Back end at www.yoursite.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=product ,
Check the left menu and click 'Custom Fields'. Create a new Custom Field, call it 'Coordinates' or whatever and select "plugins" as Custom Field Type
Then select 'VMCustom - VM2Geolocator' as plugin
(Just like every VMCustom plugins)
The plugin can run in 2 modes , you have to choose between Javascript Google map maps
or Image static Google maps.
Following setings are self explanatory.
Some of the settings have aditional tooltips.
If you have a very large traffic website and your use of the API could go over quota, it is recommended you use a Google Maps API Key.
Click 'Save' button.
3. Go to a product details edition page and go to the 'custom fields' tab.
You can now add the 'Coordinates' custom field you just created thanks to the plugin.
Save once , so the page can load the plugin Javascript and the map will show.
You can now click on the map to set the product location. But you can also search for the location
using the search field. It uses the Google PLaces API to retrive coordinates according to Auto-complete locations strings.
FInally you can set the map type and the Zoom level.
Save and you're done!
Now you can visit your product details page in the front end and see the map of the product location.
Overhall , it is a simple plugin that is set up easily, just like every VMcustom plugins.
1. Install as a Joomla plugin then enable the plugin
Visit your Joomla installer page,at www.yoursite.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer
Focus on the Upload Package File form, browse your computer, select the archive and click INSTALL. The plugin will now be listed in the plugin manager. You can filter the list by 'vmcsutom' folder to find the plugin quickly. All you have to do here is to enable the plugin. You'll find its settings in the Virtuemart component backend.
2. Go to Virtuemart component Back end at www.yoursite.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=product ,
Check the left menu and click 'Custom Fields'. Create a new Custom Field, call it 'Coordinates' or whatever and select "plugins" as Custom Field Type
Then select 'VMCustom - VM2Geolocator' as plugin
(Just like every VMCustom plugins)
The plugin can run in 2 modes , you have to choose between Javascript Google map maps
or Image static Google maps.
Following setings are self explanatory.
Some of the settings have aditional tooltips.
If you have a very large traffic website and your use of the API could go over quota, it is recommended you use a Google Maps API Key.
Click 'Save' button.
3. Go to a product details edition page and go to the 'custom fields' tab.
You can now add the 'Coordinates' custom field you just created thanks to the plugin.
Save once , so the page can load the plugin Javascript and the map will show.
You can now click on the map to set the product location. But you can also search for the location
using the search field. It uses the Google PLaces API to retrive coordinates according to Auto-complete locations strings.
FInally you can set the map type and the Zoom level.
Save and you're done!
Now you can visit your product details page in the front end and see the map of the product location.
Overhall , it is a simple plugin that is set up easily, just like every VMcustom plugins.
- Created on .
- Last updated on .