+ related extensions Installation and setup
Install via the regular core Joomla installer

Go to your Joomla administration, to the extensions installer page and select the archive on your hard drive and click the install button.
When installing, a script automaticaly processes required tasks.
Here is what it does:
After installation you'll see a new submenu in your 'Components' menu calles VM2Wishlists. This VM2wishlists menu item has 2 submenus: Lists and Options.

Limit: what is the maximum number of items per page you want to be displayed in lists.
User naming: should the component mention users by their username or by their name ? In some cases this parameter is not used (when emailing a list to external recipients, the real name is used whatever the settings here).
Profile Manager (optional): In case you use a profile manager (3rd party component) you can enable some integration features here. Integrations mostly concerns linking usernames to their profiles. VM2Wishlists support Community Builder, Jomsocial and Easysocial.
Cookies for guests: Would you allow guests visitors (without an account on your site) to add products to their wishlist storing the wishlist on their computer (in a browser cookie) instead of the site database ? This cookie content is automatically imported in the Database when user log ins and browse own list page.
Cookie Expires: number of days the cookie is kept in browser.
Show Price: Show prices or not for products in list view. No, yes, with our without tax.
Facebook and Twitter sharing features. these only applies to Public lists (as private list will not be accessible by users on Facebook and Twitter services).
Facebook send Application ID: If you want the Facebook send button to show, fill in your facebook App ID.
Email on creation: Similar to Amazon feature: Sends an email to list owner (and site owner) with a List summery, shortcuts, ress feed etc...
Optional setting:
Amazon Partner ID: In case you use this wishlist application on a Virtuemart setup wich is only a catlogue you can send visitors to amazon when being an affiliate.
Fully Remove: Should the product be fully remove from list after purchase ? or should it keep shoing tagged as 'purchased' ?. Fully removing it will make it impossible to restore if buyer's purchase is canceled or refunded.
Email wishlist owner: Enable this to have an email sent to wishlist owner when a product of his wishlist is purchased by someone. Actually it also sends a mail to buyer and site admin.
Incharge Duration: How many hours between a user confirms being incharge for a list item and checkout. Default is 3
II - com_vm2wishlitsts LISTS
You can create as many lists as you want: wishlists, favourites, My collection list, Wedding lists etc...
Here are the specific settings you can set to each. First to create a list, browse the Joomla components menu: VM2wishlists -> lists ->click "New"
List name: set a name for a list. In case your site is multilingual, you can set a CONSTANT language variable as the list name so you can add it in the component language files or in your site language overrides.
List description: set a description for the list. In case your site is multilingual, you can set a CONSTANT language variable as the list name so you can add it in the component language files or in your site language overrides.
Icon class: Choose an Icon for the list. Choose it from a preset list of selected icons. These icon are Font Icons from compiled from Fontawesome and other great Font icons provider. Their class names is specific so it won't conflict with other extensions. Once an icon chosen for a list it will show as list icon on products list pages but also on add to lists buttons etc...
Privacy: Set the privacy setting for the list: Public (and sharable by Facebook, Twitter , Email & RSS feed), Registered users only, Friends only (if you use a 3rd party profile manager such as Community Builder, Jomsocial or EasySocial), or Private (list owner only).
Forbidden Categories: You can exclude products categories by their ID. Provide a single ID or a comma separated list of IDs
Only Categories: You can force the list to only concern one or few categories by inserting a category ID or a comma separated category IDs list.
Removable on purchase (Wedding list mode) : If a list has the Removable status, added items will be removed or tagged as purchased upon purchase. How it works: in the playlist page, if the list has the Removable status, and if items have the add to cart button, a little checkbox will show below to the add to cart button. If the box is checked, buyer is confirming that he is or will be purchasing the product for the wishlist owner. After purchase, if an order item is from a user list, the list item will be tagegd as purchased or removed. See the component options for the Wedding list mode.
Show Adders: Select to show or not the list of users who added the product to that list. This shows next to the addto list button on the product page and opens a modal window listing users having added it. If a profile manager has been set in the component options, usernames will be linked to their respective user profiles. Optional Amazon partners settings
Amazon Link: show or not a link to the corresponding Item at This is recommended you have set your amazon partner id in the component options before.
Amazon link base: select if the generated amazon search link should search for the VM product sku or for the VM product name.
Amazon search prefix: you can add a search term prefix for the link to be generated.
Note: Creating Menu Items:
Now you can create menu items to your list(s). Go to your Joomla backend "Menus" menu, select the menu you want to add the new item in. Select 'Add New Menu Item'.
Choose a name and select the Menu Item Type. Scroll down to VM2Wishlists and select 'Single List'. Next to the Current 'Details' tab, a new tab appeared. It's called 'Required Settings', you need to set the List ID there.
Find it in the Joomla plugins manager, eventually filtering the list by 'content'.
Position on the product details page
- Top of description
- Bottom of description
- Bottom of Add to cart
Add to cart class: leave default if using the default VM template, or set the class selector of the Addto cart area of your VM template
Icon Only: Choose between having icon only buttons or icon + text butons.
This module is providing shortcuts to a user's lists. It wil usually link to current viewer's lists, but if it is set on a user profile, it will display links to profile owner's lists.
It will also show the Compare table access link.
Supported profiles are:
If you feel anything is not clear or missing from this documentation, feel free to ask in your support forum here .

Go to your Joomla administration, to the extensions installer page and select the archive on your hard drive and click the install button.
When installing, a script automaticaly processes required tasks.
Here is what it does:
- Intalls com_vm2wishlists component
- Creates default Wishlist
- Checks that Joomla plugins option is enabled in Virtuemart config. Enables it if not yet enabled. (required for plg_content_vm2wishlists plugin to show 'Add to list' buttons on product details page)
- Installs plugin to show 'Add to list' buttons on product details page and enables it.
- Installs plugin to show 'Add to list' icons buttons on Virtuemart category pages (for each product) and enables it.
- Creates (if none exist yet) a VMCUSTOM field with the plg_vmcustom_vm2wishlists plugin and adds it to every published products as the highest oredering value for vmcustom fields so that wishlist buttons always show newt to the Addtocart button.
- Installs mod_vm2wishlists_mylists to list wishlists and compare buttons (to access lists content and compare table) in a module
- Installs mod_toplisted_products listing most added products for a specific list in a module
- It includes but does not install . It provides the download link if you want to install it (Only required if using the Wedding list mode). This one notifies list owner when a product from his Wedding list wishlist is purchased.
- It includes but does not install . It provides the download link if you want to install it (Only required if using the Wedding list mode). This one removes products from a list when purchased
After installation you'll see a new submenu in your 'Components' menu calles VM2Wishlists. This VM2wishlists menu item has 2 submenus: Lists and Options.

I - com_vm2wishlists OPTIONS
Set here the general parameters for the component. More settings will have to be set to specific lists.
Limit: what is the maximum number of items per page you want to be displayed in lists.
User naming: should the component mention users by their username or by their name ? In some cases this parameter is not used (when emailing a list to external recipients, the real name is used whatever the settings here).
Profile Manager (optional): In case you use a profile manager (3rd party component) you can enable some integration features here. Integrations mostly concerns linking usernames to their profiles. VM2Wishlists support Community Builder, Jomsocial and Easysocial.
Cookies for guests: Would you allow guests visitors (without an account on your site) to add products to their wishlist storing the wishlist on their computer (in a browser cookie) instead of the site database ? This cookie content is automatically imported in the Database when user log ins and browse own list page.
Cookie Expires: number of days the cookie is kept in browser.
Show Price: Show prices or not for products in list view. No, yes, with our without tax.
Facebook and Twitter sharing features. these only applies to Public lists (as private list will not be accessible by users on Facebook and Twitter services).
Facebook send Application ID: If you want the Facebook send button to show, fill in your facebook App ID.
Email on creation: Similar to Amazon feature: Sends an email to list owner (and site owner) with a List summery, shortcuts, ress feed etc...
Optional setting:
Amazon Partner ID: In case you use this wishlist application on a Virtuemart setup wich is only a catlogue you can send visitors to amazon when being an affiliate.
This is how we call the product removal feature when an item from a wishlist is purchased. How it works: When creating or editing a list you can set it 'Removable'. This enable the purchased items to be removed from a list or tagged as purchased when someone buys it to from the list. When enabled, an 'Incharge' checkbox shows below each product on the list page. When checking it, user is prompt to confirm being incharge for this product for the list owner (he can choose to show publicly to every registered user or privately to list owner only). Right after confirming, the product is automatically added to his cart, ready for checkout. The list item is tagged as being 'incharge' (and item thumbnail opacity decreased) and buyer has X hours (default is 3) to checkout. After these X hours, list item will loose its 'incharge' status. After checkout and order is confirmed, list item is set as 'purchased' (unless its 'incharge' status expired) or fully removed from the wishlist. Read the options tooltips for more details.
Fully Remove: Should the product be fully remove from list after purchase ? or should it keep shoing tagged as 'purchased' ?. Fully removing it will make it impossible to restore if buyer's purchase is canceled or refunded.
Email wishlist owner: Enable this to have an email sent to wishlist owner when a product of his wishlist is purchased by someone. Actually it also sends a mail to buyer and site admin.
Incharge Duration: How many hours between a user confirms being incharge for a list item and checkout. Default is 3
Shows an additional Compare button allowing customers to list products in a cookie and have a page where they can compare these products in a table
Enable Compare: Yes/No
Allowed fields for customers to select when filtering the compare table. This includes core Virtuemart products properties and custom fields.
Enable Compare: Yes/No
Allowed fields for customers to select when filtering the compare table. This includes core Virtuemart products properties and custom fields.
Amazon Partner ID: If you enable Amazon Link on a list, you'll have to fill your amazon partner ID. Only usefull when using VM in catalogue mode
II - com_vm2wishlitsts LISTS
Here are the specific settings you can set to each. First to create a list, browse the Joomla components menu: VM2wishlists -> lists ->click "New"

List name: set a name for a list. In case your site is multilingual, you can set a CONSTANT language variable as the list name so you can add it in the component language files or in your site language overrides.
List description: set a description for the list. In case your site is multilingual, you can set a CONSTANT language variable as the list name so you can add it in the component language files or in your site language overrides.
Icon class: Choose an Icon for the list. Choose it from a preset list of selected icons. These icon are Font Icons from compiled from Fontawesome and other great Font icons provider. Their class names is specific so it won't conflict with other extensions. Once an icon chosen for a list it will show as list icon on products list pages but also on add to lists buttons etc...
Privacy: Set the privacy setting for the list: Public (and sharable by Facebook, Twitter , Email & RSS feed), Registered users only, Friends only (if you use a 3rd party profile manager such as Community Builder, Jomsocial or EasySocial), or Private (list owner only).
Forbidden Categories: You can exclude products categories by their ID. Provide a single ID or a comma separated list of IDs
Only Categories: You can force the list to only concern one or few categories by inserting a category ID or a comma separated category IDs list.
Removable on purchase (Wedding list mode) : If a list has the Removable status, added items will be removed or tagged as purchased upon purchase. How it works: in the playlist page, if the list has the Removable status, and if items have the add to cart button, a little checkbox will show below to the add to cart button. If the box is checked, buyer is confirming that he is or will be purchasing the product for the wishlist owner. After purchase, if an order item is from a user list, the list item will be tagegd as purchased or removed. See the component options for the Wedding list mode.
Show Adders: Select to show or not the list of users who added the product to that list. This shows next to the addto list button on the product page and opens a modal window listing users having added it. If a profile manager has been set in the component options, usernames will be linked to their respective user profiles. Optional Amazon partners settings
Amazon Link: show or not a link to the corresponding Item at This is recommended you have set your amazon partner id in the component options before.
Amazon link base: select if the generated amazon search link should search for the VM product sku or for the VM product name.
Amazon search prefix: you can add a search term prefix for the link to be generated.
Note: Creating Menu Items:
Now you can create menu items to your list(s). Go to your Joomla backend "Menus" menu, select the menu you want to add the new item in. Select 'Add New Menu Item'.
Choose a name and select the Menu Item Type. Scroll down to VM2Wishlists and select 'Single List'. Next to the Current 'Details' tab, a new tab appeared. It's called 'Required Settings', you need to set the List ID there.
IV A / plg_content_vm2wishlist
This content plugin is automatically installed and enabled when installing the component. It is responsible for displaying the 'Add to List' and 'Add to compare' buttons on the PRODUCT DETAILS page.Find it in the Joomla plugins manager, eventually filtering the list by 'content'.
Position on the product details page
- Top of description
- Bottom of description
- Bottom of Add to cart
Add to cart class: leave default if using the default VM template, or set the class selector of the Addto cart area of your VM template
Icon Only: Choose between having icon only buttons or icon + text butons.
IV B - Installing and setting up plg_vmcustom_vm2wishlist
This plugin also installs via the regular Joomla installer. It is responsible for displaying the 'Add to List' and 'Add to compare' buttons on the BROWSE (category) page and other 3rd party extensions showing integrating the VM addtocart feature.
The great news about this, is that the component installation script now processes all these exhausting settings that had to be done manually in the past:
- Automatic plugin installation and enabling
- Automatic VM2Wishlists VMCUSTOM field creation if not existing
- Automatic VM2Wishlist VMCUSTOM field addition to every published products (set with the highest ordering value to make sure buttons show right next to the Addtocart button)
When adding new products, you can add the VM2Wishlists vmcustom field to these , manually or update the component, that will automatically add the custom fields to products that are missing it.
Can't be easier.
IMPORTANT: If you want the ADD buttons to show on browse (category) page, make sure you enable the Virtuemart option called "Show product customfields in browse views" in the "Shopfront" tab of the Virtuemart configuration
- Automatic VM2Wishlists VMCUSTOM field creation if not existing
- Automatic VM2Wishlist VMCUSTOM field addition to every published products (set with the highest ordering value to make sure buttons show right next to the Addtocart button)
When adding new products, you can add the VM2Wishlists vmcustom field to these , manually or update the component, that will automatically add the custom fields to products that are missing it.
Can't be easier.
IMPORTANT: If you want the ADD buttons to show on browse (category) page, make sure you enable the Virtuemart option called "Show product customfields in browse views" in the "Shopfront" tab of the Virtuemart configuration
V -

This module is providing shortcuts to a user's lists. It wil usually link to current viewer's lists, but if it is set on a user profile, it will display links to profile owner's lists.
It will also show the Compare table access link.
Supported profiles are:
- Community Builder
- Jomsocial
- EasySocial
- VMVendor
- AltaUserPoints
Button class: Refers to Bootstrap button classes
Button size: Refers to Bootstrap button size classes
Additional Button Class: allows admin to give an additional class to the button (btn-es-primary if displayed on EasySocial profile for instance)
Show List Icon, list name and counter will afect the Button content. Set these depending on the look and feel you want.
Exclude List IDs: you can choose to remove some lists from being displayed in the module.
VI - mod_toplisted_products (optional )
This module displays a ranking table showing most added product for a specific list.
List ID: select the list ID for the list the module should be counting
Count: How many top listed products should be displayed ?
Category filter: You can filter by category ID or a comma separated category IDs list
Choose to show or not product thumbnails and product category name.
If you feel anything is not clear or missing from this documentation, feel free to ask in your support forum here .
- Created on .
- Last updated on .