4 - Optional: plg_geommunitylocator Setting Up

Users in Jomsocial can be geolocated by Jomsocial itself if your userprofiles use Address fields and if these are set properly in Jomsocial configuration (Integration tab).

As an alternative or additionaly, you can use our plg_geommunityloactor plugin to allow users to update their location clicking on a Google Map from their user profile. Also it can announce location updates in the Jomsocial Activity Stream.

Finally it the privacy settings for this profile application can be used ont the Geommunity3 map to allow users to choose if they should be displayed on the map and who should be able to see their location there.

Read Only Mode:
If you enable this mode, plugin will only be used in a passive way, to display your location. You can choose this is your users get their location set by another method, like using the plg_geommunitygeocodr plugin.

Default map type: classic maptypes options including ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID & TERRAIN map types

Map width & height: Width can be set either in px or %, but height can only be set in px. Make sure you add the unit with the value (px / %)

Zoom (default, max & min): Set the map default zoom and maximum and minimum zooming values. Setting a limited maximum zoom value can be used to preserve users privacy showing only an approximative location.

Map Custom Styling:
Input here the required json code to have your own customized map colors and styling. Get the JSON code from our Google Maps styler or preset styles from snazzymaps.com

Scrollwheel zoom and Streetview features: can be enabled and disabled too.

QRCode: You can enable this on profiles to have a location QRCode display to profile visitors. When scanned by a mobile phone and a QRCode reader application, the profile location would be displayed on the device with the ability to trace it with GPS depending on the device equipment.

Geommunity module page: Input here the url of the Global map. This is not mandatory and button will not show on profile if this field is left empty.

Show Friends: Friends can be displayed on profile map to profile owner. Friends quantity on map canbe limited and you can also set the color for the connection line between profile owner and friends locations on the map. Color value must be hexadecimal with the starting #. Like #333333 for instance.

Show Events: Show events the profile owner is attending

Activity Stream map: You can enable a map in the activity stream announcements. That map is a static map with zoom effect on roll over.

Route and Itineraries: enable this feature to allow profile visitors to have the precise itinerary to profile owner's location and to allow profile owner to have initineraries to his friends locations too. Set the default mode of travel and set if you want to allow users to change the mode of travel. Also set the prefered distance unit.

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