jGifts Virtual Gifts component Settings

Now component and related extension are installed, we can focus on settings.

In the backend, component provides site admin with 3 main pages + config pages :
- Gifts manager (gifts list + Gift addition / edition form)
- Gifts categories manager (categories tree and category edition form)
- Gift activities (list of gifts that have been gifted to some users)
+ Main configuration options

In the front end, the component comes with various menu items you can set to let users access jGifts features. 
- Go to the Joomla administration and select MENUS -> [choose an existing menu] -> ADD NEW MENU ITEM
- In the Menu Item Type field, select the jGIFTS group and select a menu item type :
  • Gifts list with search and filter to let users browse available gifts and access the gift action form to offer a gift to another user spending points.
  • My Pending gifts list to let users manage their receved gifts that are still pending , waiting for approval.
  • Gift form to let users add gifts from the front end (optional)

I - Component Main configuration



Profile Manager: jGifts can be used without, but it is recommended to choose between Community Builder (Free), Jomsocial and EasySocial as profile manager. These will allow users to have their received gifts listed on their profile.
Note for EasySocial users: There are 2 alert notifications to be discovered via your EasySocial Alerts manager.

Point System: jGifts requires users to have points to spend to send gifts. A pointsystem is required. Install either AltaUserPoints (free), Jomsocial or EasySocial as points system BEFORE installing jgifts. "Before" because it will allow jgifts to identify automatically your Points system during installation and install the required points rules (for Gift purchase and sells commissions) accordingly.

Creator Commission Percentage: In case you allow users to add gifts using the front end, you can reward them with points as their added gift becomes popular. You can set a percentage commission on sells.

Show Category: If you have only one category, you can disable this information to show on gift thumbnail.

Show Creator: If you don't allow users to add their own gifts, you can disable this information to show on gift thumbnail. 

Naming: naming format, choose between username or name

Gift Name Limit: Limit the gift title length (server side)

Max File Size: Front end Limit of the gift picture size

Description limit: Front end limit for the gift's description length

Maximum Message Size: Limit the message length when user is filling the form to gift someone

Autopublish: Autopublish front end submission. Disable this and enable following Email FE submission to moderate front end submissions.

Emaill FE submission: Enable this to receive notifications for front end gifts submissions

Emaill Address: set the email to received notifications for front end gifts submissions

Note about the frontend submission moderation flow
Registered user can add a gift using the front end ADD GIFT form menu item.
When form is submitted (Autopublish setting disabled), gift is added unpublished, only visible from the backend. A notification email is sent to specified email address. Email body message conatains a link to the gift form in jgifts backend. Once the gift is published, gift creator receives a confirmation email with a frontend link to the published gift.

altauserpoints, jgifts, jomsocial, easysocial, communitybuilder

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  • Last updated on .
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