Problème d'affichage covers sur la carte

8 years 10 months ago #28718 by gtoscano

Dans bucket path j'ai : yooarteimages

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8 years 10 months ago #28721 by nordmograph
tres bien,

Pouvez vous sauvegarder et éditer le fichier:

et remplacer tout son contenu par:
<?php /* @version 1.0.0 * @component com_geommunity3es * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Adrien ROUSSEL * @license GNU/GPL Version 3 * @Website : */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view'); class Geommunity3esViewUserinfowindow extends JViewLegacy { function display($tpl = null) { $juri = JURI::Base(); $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $this->userid = $jinput->get('contentid',null, 'int'); $this->latitude = $jinput->get('latitude'); $this->longitude = $jinput->get('longitude'); $file = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php'; jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' ); if( !JFile::exists( $file ) ) { return; } require_once $file; $config = Foundry::config(); $naming = $config->get( 'users.displayName' ); // username or realname if($naming=='realname') $naming = 'name'; $this->photos_enabled = $config->get( 'photos.enabled' ); $this->videos_enabled = $config->get( 'videos.enabled' ); $this->points_enabled = $config->get( 'points.enabled' ); $this->followers_enabled = $config->get( 'followers.enabled' ); $this->storage_photos = $config->get( '' ); $this->amazon_bucket = $config->get( '' ); $this->amazon_ssl = $config->get( '' ); $this->amazon_region = $config->get( '' ); $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_geommunity3es'); $profile_itemid = $cparams->get('profile_itemid'); $this->infowindow = $this->get('Userinfowindow'); $infowindow = $this->infowindow; $this->naming = $infowindow->$naming; $this->username = $infowindow->username; $this->avatar = Foundry::user( $this->userid )->getAvatar(); $this->cover = $infowindow->cover; $this->x = $infowindow->x; $this->y = $infowindow->y; $this->points = $infowindow->points; $lastvisitDate = $infowindow->lastvisitDate; $this->daysdiff = number_format( ( time() - strtotime( $lastvisitDate ) ) /(60*60*24) ) ; if($infowindow->onlinestatus=='0') $this->onlinestatus='off'; else $this->onlinestatus='on'; $this->photoalbumscount = $infowindow->photoalbumscount; if($this->videos_enabled) $this->videoscount = $infowindow->videoscount; if($this->points_enabled) $this->points = $infowindow->points; if($this->followers_enabled) $this->followerscount = $infowindow->followerscount; $this->friendcount = $infowindow->friendscount; $this->isfriend = $infowindow->isfriend; $this->profile_url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_easysocial&amp;view=profile&amp;id='.$this->userid.':'.$this->username.'&amp;Itemid='.$profile_itemid ); if(!$this->cover) $this->cover = $juri.'media/com_easysocial/defaults/covers/user/default.jpg'; elseif($this->storage_photos=='joomla') $this->cover = $juri.$this->cover; elseif($this->storage_photos=='amazon') { if($this->amazon_ssl) $cover = 'https://'; else $cover = 'http://'; $cover .= $this->amazon_bucket.'.'.$this->amazon_region.''; $cover .= $this->cover; $this->cover = $cover; } parent::display($tpl); } }

J'ai supposé que vous aviez activé s3 pour les photos et que la cover est considérée comme une photo.
Essayé et informez moi du résultat.

- Need help? Post the URL of the related page (eventualy as confidential info), it will help solve your issue faster.
- An error, notice or warning? report the exact message including the line number
- If you get a white page , enable error reporting and / or check your server error logs.

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8 years 10 months ago #28722 by gtoscano

Ca marche, merci!

Toutefois j'ai du modifier cette ligne puisque le chemin n'était pas correct :

$cover .= $this->amazon_bucket.'.s3-'.$this->amazon_region.'


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8 years 10 months ago #28723 by nordmograph
donc juste rajouter le '.s3-'
ou aussi le '/media/com_easysocial' ?

- Need help? Post the URL of the related page (eventualy as confidential info), it will help solve your issue faster.
- An error, notice or warning? report the exact message including the line number
- If you get a white page , enable error reporting and / or check your server error logs.

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8 years 10 months ago #28740 by gtoscano
Alors j'ai rajouté :

ensuite devant '' il y a un point donc ca devient ''
et enfin la partie '/media/com_easysocial/photos'
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