This PhocaGallery plugin integrates AltaUserPoints points transactions on Phocagallery component actions. 11 rules are provided and installed automaticaly when installing the plugin. Administrator then has to choose the ones to use , by publishing these and set a points amount.
1. Install the plugin via the regular Joomla installer. It will install 11 AUP rules automaticaly.
2. Visit the AUP rules manager to publish the rules you want to use and set a points amount for these.
3. Publish, enable the plugin (listed in the plugins manager as a PhocaGallery type plugin) and set the redirect URL setting in case you set negative points amount to some rules.
Provided rules are:
- plgaup_phocagallery_onuploadavatar : Points transaction on avatar upload in PhocaGalery user control panel.
- plgaup_phocagallery_onstorenewimage : When an image is uploaded
- plgaup_phocagallery_onvotecategory : When rating a category
- plgaup_phocagallery_onvoteimage : When rating an image
- plgaup_phocagallery_oncommentcategory : When commenting a category
- plgaup_phocagallery_oncommentimage : When commenting an image
- plgaup_phocagallery_onviewcategories : When visiting the main PhocaGallery page listing categories
- plgaup_phocagallery_onviewcategory : When visiting a specific catagory page
- plgaup_phocagallery_onviewcategory_owner : Same as previous one but rewarding the owner instead of the visitor
- plgaup_phocagallery_onviewimage : When visiting an image details page/popup depending on the modal system you choose.
- plgaup_phocagallery_onviewimage_owner : Same as previous one but rewarding the owner instead of the visitor
Each of these rules is based on a PhocaGallery component plugin trigger. So it requires the component calls that specific trigger for the rule to process.
If some rules have negative amounts, they would require users to have enough points. If not you can set a redirection url for users to purchase or earn points.
Note : if you had a previous PhocaGallery plugin from alphaplug, note, this one is not un update of the old one , but a complete rewrite. So old rules won't work with this plugin.