Share4 Points

Have your members share your Joomla pages for AltaUserPoints, Jomsocial or EasySocial points on Facebook and LinkedIn and earn points amounts according to the privacy settings of their shared post.
10.00 €
Disclaimer: This extension is DISCONTINUED, it breaks the Facebook API policy because it incentives the use of the Share button. This means it needs the app to be reviewed by the Facebook app reviewer team for the user user_posts permission
Have your members share your Joomla pages for AltaUserPoints, Jomsocial or EasySocial points on Facebook and LinkedIn and earn points amounts according to the privacy settings of their shared post.
Ultimate webmarketing sharing tool !

  • Joomla 3
  • AltaUserPoints (or Alpha) or Jomsocial , or EasySocial
  • Facebook account + Facebook App ID and Facebook App secret + PHP5.4+
  • LinkedIn account + LinkedIn API Key
  • Share on Facebook for points
  • Share on LinkedIn for points
  • AltaUserPoints (or Alpha) , Jomsocial points, and EasySocial points
  • optional Jomsocial and EasySocial activity stream for shared actions
  • optional Admin email notification on shared content
  • optional append referrer ID to shared content url when page is a profile page (AUP points only)
  • use of opengraph (og:title, og:description and og:image) tags if available or title and description meta tags.
  • Buttons displayed in  module for maximum flexibility
  • Effective post check and post privacy check is done before processing the points attribution
  • Attributed points depend on post privacy (Me Only, Custom, Friends, Friends of Friends, Everyone )
  • All done with Facebook Open Graph API and Ajax without even a page refresh
  • Integration of SweetAlert Popup notifications.



Both component and module install via the Joomla extensions manager installer. It is recommened to install or reinstall the component AFTER you have installed AltaUserPoints, Jomsocial or EasySocial components so Share4  can detect these and install respective required Points Rule.
Before we start you need Facebook and LinkedIn Applications pages for your site. They are free and easy to setup.

Facebook Application Settings

Create a free Facebook App page for your website at .
Make sure you correctly fill in your site url on the facebook app page settings for your site URL and application domain.
When done, you will get a Facebook App ID and a Facebook App Secret (Keep it secret :) .
Both are required for our component settings.

LinkedIn Application Settings

You need to create a LinkedIn app page at
You will be given a Client ID wich is required by our component.
You LinkedIn app needs to have some specific settings:

Authentification tab
Default Application Permissions: r_basicprofile and w_share

Settings tab
Application Status: Make sure you set this to 'live' when done testing. If not shares will be kept invisible.

Javascript Tab
Valid SDK Domains: Add at least one domain. The one for your website with protocol. eg.

Note about Open Graph Metatags
Share4 module will look for the open graph metatags of your page to fetch the information that has to be shared.
If specific og:title, og:description and og:image meta are not found, page title and meta description will be used instead.
As buttons show in a module it can not take care of including OpenGraph tags for you. A specific plugin for a specific extension could have doen this but would not be as flexible as a module.
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