Letter Gravatar plugin for Joomla, Community Builder, Jomsocial and EasySocial

Assign an avatar to users if not set, based on Gravatar service or custom Letter Avatar based on user's Initials letters from name (2 letters), username or email.
15.00 €
Optional Service:
Description Assign an avatar to users if not set, based on Gravatar service or custom Letter Avatar based on user's Initials letters from name  (2 letters), username or email.

Also supported: EasyDiscuss (ask for more)

As a user plugin, this will only process at user login. It will check if user has set an avatar. If not, plugin will check if user has set one at Gravatar.com (according to the provided email).
If none is set there , gravatar will return a default custom avatar based on email md5.

Gravatar has various options for this :

identicon - monsterid - wavatar - retro - user's initials

but we added one for letter avatars based on user initials.
You can then force the default avatar, or set multiple. In that multiple case, default avatar will be a random selection from the options you selected.

Note the Gravatar check can be bypassed to only generate an avatar besed on usern name's initials.
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