VMVendor - Multivendor Marketplace for Virtuemart & Joomla

The Best Multivendor Ecommerce Marketplace Solution for VM3 on Joomla 3+
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
60.00 €
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VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor Multivendor for Virtuemart and Joomla
VMVendor is a joomla component and a set of plugins and modules that allow your Virtuemart (VM) Shop to be multivendor easily. It allows every (or some) users of your site to add products to your shop and manage these via a front end form. They can get rewareded for their sells earning points (from the required free AlphauserPoints component) according to their product prices and to a site comission fee kept by shop admin.
You can use VMVendor to let users add physical or downloadable products.
VMVendor uses and takes full advantage of the Virtuemart Vendor and products Database.
It provides vendors with an add/edit product form, a public vendor profile page and a dashboard page to list orders, payments, moderate products comments, consult sells stats, crate and manage taxes and shipment methods etc...Admin can create various vendor plans and link these to Joomla user groups.With these plans, admin can set vendor groups to set different percentage comission on sales, or various limitations such as product images, files maximum products etc...

Non exclusive list:  'Recommended template providers' that are out of the box compatible with VMVendor : Yootheme
Other J3 templates might be compatible too, but may require you tweak some VMVendor compatibility options.
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