Virtuemart Synthetic Dashboard module

VM Dashboard is an administration module to be published at the cpanel module position. It will show on your Joomla adminsitration control panel a set of 5 tabs showing stats and latest elements for orders, reviews, products and shoppers.
Optional Service:
Description New in 1.2: Pending and canceled orders revive feature

VM Dashboard is an administration module to be published at the cpanel module position. It will show on your Joomla adminsitration control panel a set of 5 tabs. First tab will show monthly statistics for your sales and orders with charts and tables (show as many month as you want starting from current month. Second tab lists latest received orders with order numvber, customer name, order status, order total price and order date. Third tab shows latest product reviews with review status (green or red for published or unbuplished), date, product name, review, rating and reviewer name. Fourth tab shows latest products with product status (green or red for published or unbuplished) product id, sku, price, product name and product category. Fifth Tab shows a list of latest shoppers, with user ID name, username. Every lists in these tabs are displayed as tables, amount of rows is a module parameter. Every item is linked to its corresponding page in Virtuemart.
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