Sample Profiles Admin module for Joomla

This Admin module allows a Joomla, Community Builder, Jomsocial or EasySocial admin to create users from a large number of parameters.
10.00 €
Optional Service:
ATTENTION: This extension is temporarly discontinued. The API it relies on has been rewritten and is not free anymore. It requires our extension to be rewritten too. Sorry for the inconvenience.

There are various reasons you want to have fake/sample users added to your community:
- You build a community site, and you need users as content to be able to extensively test every community features layouts etc...
- You launch a community site and nobody wants to join an empty site
- You show a demo to a customer and you want the site to be populated quick

Wether you're using EasySocial, Community Builder or Jomsocial , install this admin module, publish it to the cpanel position, set few fields and settings and you're ready to add users in 5 minutes !

This Admin module allows a Joomla, Community Builder, Jomsocial or EasySocial admin to create users from a large number of parameters:
  • Age range: Set a minimum and miximum age
  • Gender, set a male / female percentage ratio
  • Nationalities: Select one or more nationlities for the user names among 36 preset nationalities
  • Localisation: - Countries: Select one or more countries (31 countries presets) Or one or more Regions (about 350 regions presets). Each new profile comes with an existing address and corresponding Latitude and Longitude.
  • Gravatar Avatar: Avatar are Generated automatically identicon style for females and retro style for males.
  • Userpoints: set a range for the userpoints attributed to each user
  • Profile Types: Created profiles can be set to different profile types
  • UserGroups: Created profiles can be set to different Joomla Usergroups.
  • Password: Set a generic password to eventually login as a sample user. 

Set of generated fields available:
  • username
  • email
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • gender
  • date of birth
  • address, state, city , zip, country
  • latitude, longitude
  • telephone
  • website
  • graduation year
  • Favorite Color
  • Job
  • Company
  • Car type
  • Blood Type
This module uses data from, Google Maps API and
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