Flip Countdown Module for Joomla

Display an animated Flip Countdown to a set date. Great for product or platform launch / release etc...
10.00 €
Optional Service:
Description Display an animated Flip Countdown to a set date. Great for product or platform launch / release etc...
The module can redirect automaticaly to another page on countdown complete.

Demo: Flip Countdown

Time left

Before launch

This module has various options:
You can define the layout of the counter ( DailyCounter , HourlyCounter , MinuteCounter, TwentyFourHourClock, TwelveHourClock, Counter )
You show/hide seconds in Daylycounter layout.

The Calendar field alows you to set a date in the future with a hour and minute precision for the countdown to process. You can add some text before and after the counter and set the text to be displayed when the countdown is completed. You can enable/disable jQuery in case it is needed/not needed. The module styling is editable via CSS.

Module detects Joomla language. Supported languages are: english french arabic danish german spanish finnish Italian -
latvian dutch norvegian portuguese russian swedish
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